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How to Operate the Stage Lighting?

The composition of the stage lighting control network system varies according to different system scales, functional requirements, and different products, but the basic principles are the same. The main body formed in the stage lighting control network is of course the lighting console, digital dimming cabinets, etc. Just apply network technology and some network devices such as network distributors (usually switches and hubs), cables, etc. to connect them to form a local area network (LAN).

The lighting console must make a scanner do a certain action. The first thing to find is this moving head light. If the console wants to identify a certain moving head light in the same DMX signal, it must be solved by looking up the address code. Therefore, each moving head light must be set with an address code before using it.

Stage lighting effects are closely related to actors. When designing a performance program, the actor should design the lighting effects to reflect the atmosphere of the performance through the light, so as to play the role of atmospheric rendering and contrast. Then attract the audience’s attention and resonate with the audience. Stage lighting effects and stage performances are one of them, and both are indispensable. The lighting effect is not only a service for stage performances but also has an irreplaceable meaning and role in the performance of outstanding performers.

• Lighting power system
With the development of drama art and science and technology, stage lighting is becoming larger and larger in scale and higher and higher in functional requirements. Especially large squares, stadiums, and theme parks have special requirements for lighting control. The networking of lighting control has become inevitable. The lighting power supply system is a part of the theater power supply system. The theater's power supply system mainly consists of a transformer room, a low-voltage power distribution room, and power transmission cables. The control system of moving head light is usually composed of several computer lights and a matching computer light console. They are connected in series through a multi-core control cable (XLR).

• The principle of lighting console
A large number of moving head lights on the stage need to be dimmed by a dimmer. The dimmer is the main part of the stage lighting-the the incandescent light source to provide electricity. But there is also a part that does not need dimming, we call it straight through. This part of the circuit is mainly used to supply power to moving head lights that use gas-discharge light sources, high-power projection slides and other equipment, as well as some mechanical accessories in lighting control, such as The motor of the color changer (after the power signal distributor), effector, automatic light, etc. are powered. Therefore, there should be a sufficient number of dimming and circuits in each light position on the stage.

• Lighting network control system
Due to the differences in various stage lighting equipment manufacturers, there are two kinds of representations for 512 channels. One is 000-51l, the other is 001-512. Therefore, the address code of the moving head lights can be set from 000 or 001. The address code of the moving head light is through the binary dial switch on the scanner. In the ON state, the leftmost digit represents "1", the second digit from the left represents "2", the third digit from the left represents "4", and the fourth digit from the left represents "8". The fifth digit from the left represents "16" and so on. If you use 16-channel scanners. The first one is 001 computer light. The address code of the first moving light is 00+1, the leftmost switch is on, which means "l"; the address code of the second moving head light is 001%2B016%3D017, the first switch is on, and the fifth The switch is turned on; the address code of the third moving head is the sixth from the left, and the first switch is on, which means 32+1=33 and so on. In this way, an address code is set for each light, which can be controlled through the console.

Due to the unified operation of the lighting console, the staff only need to program in front of the console to control the actions of all stage lights. One or two single-chip microprocessors (also called single-chip microcomputers) are installed inside the light. The monolithic processor is made by integrating the CPU, a small amount of RAM, ROM, and I/O ports on a silicon chip. The single-chip microprocessor sends out a signal. The drive circuit makes each micro-stepping motor in the machine move, thereby driving each color wheel, gobo, lens, and mirror to move, thereby generating various colors and shapes of light beams and their movement in space.

The computer network industry is a much larger industry than the entertainment industry. There is a strong technical development force, and network technology is widely used in all walks of life all over the world. There are also a large number of inexpensive and high-quality equipment available. With the support of powerful and mature computer network technology. There is a solid foundation for lighting control networking. There is a solid foundation. Stage lighting effects can coordinate the performance of the equipment, render the atmosphere in the play, and adapt and coordinate conditions such as actors, music, props, and backgrounds. In the performance of sketches, dramas, and other plots, it can be adjusted according to the development of the plot to bring visual impact to the audience. Of course, this also has strict technical requirements for the staff engaged in this field.

As the current dimmers, moving head lights and other equipment all adopt the DMX protocol, the signal conversion between Ethernet and DMX is required in the lighting control network. In order to realize remote monitoring, video signal conversion is needed. These are all "network nodes" + (node) especially developed by stage lighting equipment manufacturers. The strong electricity part is the energy source of the light. Although not as complicated as the control part, it is also a basic part of the lighting that Dong wants. The strong current part can be divided into the power supply part before the dimmer and the light circuit part after the dimmer or through the switch.


Contact: Michael Yu

Phone: +86 18038053060


Add: No. 17, Dabu Road, Xinhua Industrial Zone, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China