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Lighting Console Use and Maintenance Manual

As the brain part of the entire lighting system of a stage show, what should we pay attention to the lighting console in terms of use and maintenance?

1. Data backup. Please remember to use a U disk to back up the console data after you have compiled the program or when you need to leave the site halfway through the programming process. Otherwise, unexpected situations such as console failure and man-made sabotage will waste your efforts, and you will need to reprogram to make you crash near the beginning of the event. Therefore, timely data backup is a detail that a lighting engineer must do to deal with various event productions calmly. Be prepared!

2. Standby console. Any electronic product has a chance of failure. In order to avoid crashing stage shows and maintain your good reputation in the entertainment industry, it is the best way to spare a console of the same model and back up the data. If conditions do not permit, a spare 192 console or 240 console is a necessary option.

3. Grounding and anti-static. The use of grounded power supply for electronic products is a basic requirement of safety regulations, but the actual domestic use places may not be able to find a grounded power supply. In order to prevent the static electricity accumulated in the console body from injuring the operator or damaging the console chip, resulting in the chaotic operation of the console. It is necessary for lighting operators to adopt simple grounding methods on site. Connect the ground screw of the console with a conductive wire, and press the other end of the conductive wire to the floor with the console. Especially in dry weather and carpeted environment, it is easier to generate a lot of static electricity.

4. Moisture-proof. Moisture-proof maintenance of electronic products is a basic common sense, especially for lighting controllers. Some lighting consoles in the industry, such as the Avolites series and the King Kong console series, use metal buttons on the internal contact surfaces, and humid environments can easily cause oxidation of the metal surfaces. The keys are not very sensitive during use. When you find that the buttons are not very sensitive at the performance site, don't panic. Press several times in a row. After the oxide layer on the metal surface is peeled off, it can basically be used normally.

5. Dustproof. The push rod (sliding potentiometer) on the light controller is a very precise electronic component. If the console is exposed to the outside for a long time, it is easy to accumulate dust inside the rod. Directly cause the running data of the fader to jump or the data cannot be reset to zero. So many lighting consoles are equipped with dust-proof leather covers or cloth covers when they leave the factory. When the console is not in use, try to cover the dustproof cloth cover.

6. Use a dmx signal amplifier. The correct use of signal amplifiers to connect the console and equipment, on the one hand, can well protect the console. On the other hand, the signal amplifier can facilitate wiring and also help to enhance the signal. The strong loop current generated when the lamp fails will not burn the console. But it will be blocked by the amplifier. Even if the signal amplifier is burned out, the cost of the two is greatly reduced.

7. Use good signal cables and XLR. We are at the performance site, and many soft faults with unstable signals are troublesome to troubleshoot and disturb the performance. The signal of the equipment is unstable and there is signal interference. In many cases, it has nothing to do with the lighting console. Inferior signal cables and xlr are the culprits.

8. Power on and off. At the actual site, we will connect the power supply of the lighting console with the switches of lighting equipment and other high-power electrical appliances for common use. In this way, when the power is directly connected together, the instantaneous strong current will easily cause the fuse of the console to burn out and fail to work. The best way to avoid this is to turn off the power switch button of the console itself before all devices are powered on. After the other devices are powered on, turn on the power switch of the console alone. This can effectively protect the switch insurance from burning out. In case the fuse is burned out, there is a spare fuse under the power socket which can be used at any time. 

9. Choose a practical console. Every show will be equipped with a lighting console, but not the higher-end, the better. More importantly, it is equipped with the most practical lighting console according to the scale of the performance, the number and types of lamps used. This can improve programming efficiency and achieve the ideal performance effect, which can do more with less. For small and medium-sized events, if the number of moving head lights does not exceed 50-60 sets, using MA is not as good as using the King Kong console. The lighting studios are basically surface light and imaging lights. Using a tiger touch console is not as good as a conventional dimming console. Reasonable selection of console is economical and practical, and a win-win situation together!

10. Technical training is fundamental. Whether the lighting effect of a show is good or not, the decisive factor is not the console used, but the technique and creativity of the lighting engineer who controls the console. The console only provides basic functions. Any console with a built-in program, such as the three domestic independent research and development brands: Gude, and King Kong consoles, has basic functions more than enough for small and medium performances. It is a misunderstanding to blindly pursue high-end or more expensive consoles without paying attention to technological improvement. Choosing a console blindly follows the trend, leading to increased equipment costs, many console functions will not be used, and waste of equipment investment is also a common phenomenon. For lighting console equipment, develop a good habit of using and regular maintenance. Not only can it increase the service life of the equipment, but it can also effectively guarantee the success of each of your performances. So friends who use the lighting controller device, hurry up and act.


Contact: Michael Yu

Phone: +86 18038053060


Add: No. 17, Dabu Road, Xinhua Industrial Zone, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China