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Industry news

Analysis of Stage Lighting Industry Development and Trends

With the growing prosperity of my country’s cultural performing arts industry and the increasingly perfect technological innovation and development of domestic stage lighting manufacturers, China’s stage lighting industry is booming. According to incomplete statistics, there are about hundreds of domestic stage lighting manufacturers, mainly located in Guangdong, accounting for about 70% to 80% of the national total. 

At present, domestic stage lighting companies have developed rapidly. Great progress has been made in the quantity and variety of stage lights, performance functions, manufacturing processes, quality levels, and testing methods, but there are also some stage lighting suppliers that have unclear product function positioning. Blind production and other issues worthy of attention.

1. Lack of awareness of intellectual property rights and price advantages are no longer obvious.
Professional lighting technology barriers are low. The main component is the beam moving head light, which can be assembled according to different requirements of customers. The technology is basically the same as that of foreign stage lighting. Therefore, in the past few years, China's lighting exports benefited from ample labor and cheap raw materials. However, with the accelerated development of the world economic integration process, we will inevitably face the challenges of international technical barriers, product patent protection, continuous improvement of market rules, etc. This will lead to development for some stage lighting companies that have weak R&D technology and rely on imitation. It will be difficult. 

Standardization of the stage lighting industry, proprietary intellectual property rights, core competitive technologies, and national brands have become one of the most pressing topics in the industry. On the other hand, after the financial crisis and inflation, the price advantage of the stage lighting industry is no longer obvious. Rising raw material prices and rising labor costs have caused stage lighting manufacturing costs to rise by about 20%. However, with a general increase of 20% in costs, product sales prices cannot reach a 20% increase. This aspect forces China's lighting export-oriented enterprises to transform from labor-intensive to technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive. Exporting countries are also facing some adjustments.

2. "Green Stage" puts forward new requirements for LED.
The country and the entire society pay great attention to environmental protection, which has caused more and more companies to invest in the trend of low-carbon environmental protection. On the one hand, they improve stage lighting equipment, production management, reduce waste of resources, and strive to ensure the quality and stability of stage lighting products. On the other hand, the use of LED light sources to replace the original high-power bulbs, and technical research on LED lighting products in line with stage performances. 

As a green light source, LED has the advantages of high efficiency, energy-saving, safety, and perfect interpretation. But as a stage light source, perfect stage lighting function and performance are the most important. LED still has some problems to overcome in these aspects. The calibration life of the LED is 50,000 hours, and the lamps that can be used to the calibration life are relatively rare, and the light will decay quickly if it is not handled well. Different from the fixed light distribution of ordinary lighting fixtures, the light of stage fixtures is variable and can be adjusted, which is reflected in the distribution of light intensity, the shape, and color of the spot. At the same time, it must have good color rendering, suitable and stable color temperature, and good consistency. Since LED has not entered the field of stage lighting for a long time, only stage lighting users and a small number of stage lighting manufacturers are concerned. 

In the past, the focus and related measurement data were mostly concentrated in the white light part. There is no involvement of color light, and no unified measurement has been introduced. standard. In the photometer, the LED does not perform very well. For stage lighting, only measuring parameters are not enough, and subjective evaluation is required. Experienced lighting engineers must subjectively evaluate the light effect, including indicators such as light uniformity, chromatic aberration of light edges, and image distortion. When LED lamps are used on the stage, they need to obey the arrangement of the lighting engineer. This is a new requirement for LED lamps on the special occasion of the stage.

3. Combination of lighting technology and art. Enterprise masters product application technology.
With the advancement and development of science, stage light no longer plays a purely illuminating role. Both the theater stage lighting and the stage lighting for various displays or outdoor performances have undergone earth-shaking changes. The design and operation of stage lighting increasingly reflect the importance of the integration of technology and art. Program software for lighting design will continue to develop and will eventually allow the lighting designer to dominate his "visual" technology in a completely artistic "interactive" way.  

Today's lighting software only provides designers with assistance in design, drawing, and paperwork. Future design software will be able to use "touch screen" and "voice recognition" functions. The intelligent control of the stage lighting system has begun to take shape. Keeping pace with the development of stage lighting technology is the growth of stage product application technology. Some large domestic stage lighting companies have accumulated experience in lighting product applications in related projects, such as Shining LED Lighting Limited.

They can design lighting control, special effect equipment, and effective monitoring system solutions according to different scenes required by the stage, which has gone beyond the old idea of simply selling products. Choosing to work with the performing party to complete the lighting design plan of work and a party, provide design ideas, and provide service and technical support, will undoubtedly become another powerful bargaining chip in addition to the product in the corporate bidding process. Of course, this is a big test for the strength of the stage lighting company. It not only requires products with stable and reliable quality but also requires high-quality design and on-site operators.

4. The arrival of the fully digital era of stage lighting, beam moving head lighting market demand will increase year by year.
With the rapid development of digital technology in all walks of life, the field of professional stage lighting will gradually enter the era of comprehensive digitalization. At present, large-scale outdoor performance activities in China, like professional lighting equipment used in large- and medium-sized indoor stage shows (including studios), square evenings, large and medium-sized individual concerts. At present, beam moving head light technology is in the era of digitization and networking, and users’ requirements for safety, stability, scalability, and ease of use are also increasing. Portable, multifunctional, intelligent, and information management integration has become the user’s pursuit and first choice. 

In the studio or performance venue, all lighting operation control equipment can be connected to the controlled equipment through a network workstation. Use TCP/IP Ethernet network technology, or use a combination of TCP/IP Ethernet and traditional DMX control technology to control the entire lighting system. The successful application of networked lighting, networked control equipment, networked management software, automatic alarm system, multi-network integration, and sound and light synchronization in some recent large-scale projects at home and abroad has brought new business opportunities for professional lighting companies. In the domestic professional stage lighting market, the demand will continue to increase year by year.

5. Holographic projection technology will become the "new favorite" on the stage in the future.
With the development of science and technology, consumers' requirements for display effects are particularly prominent. The strong sense of space and perspective of holographic projection technology is the most attractive part of this technology. It is expected to become the ultimate display solution beyond the current 3D technology. In addition to entertainment applications such as stereoscopic movies, television, exhibitions, bars, and KTV, holographic projection technology can also be used in many fields such as microscopy, interferometric, projection lithography, military reconnaissance and surveillance, underwater detection, etc. The prospects are undoubtedly very impressive. 

Throughout the history of the stage, the success of stage performances is all integrated with the progress of science and technology. Mankind has transitioned from the age of phonograph, record, and radio to the age of MV, TV, and the Internet. Nowadays, stage technology has been able to combine virtual and reality to allow people who cannot be present to perform together with real actors. All this is due to technology. charm. The holographic projection technology subverts the traditional stage acoustic and optoelectronic technology, and it brings people the dream three-dimensional experience, just like the wide application of LED displays on the stage, it will also become the "new darling" in the lighting stage technology industry in the next few years.

6. High-end technology research and development lags behind the international level. School-enterprise cooperation becomes a talent introduction channel.
The threshold of stage lighting technology is low, and there are not too strong technical requirements to enter this field. Most of the R&D companies engaged in stage lighting in China are small and medium-sized enterprises, and the core technology companies are still few. The LED technology, which is currently popular as a trend, also originated from abroad. The core technology, process, and related rules are controlled by foreign companies. There are very strict technical barriers and patent cross agreements. Chinese companies need a lot of related technologies to develop related technologies. Manpower, material resources, and resources, without core technology in hand, are the weakness of domestic professional lighting companies.

To change this dilemma, we must first start with the fundamental "talent". Fortunately, many Chinese enterprises have begun to attach importance to the introduction and training of technical talents. Judging from the employment positions provided by employers, in addition to graduates of majors in dance and music, many units have a relatively large demand for talents in stage art setting design, lighting and sound control, field and stage supervision, and ticketing. Many stage lighting companies not only rush to select talents but also sign agreements with colleges and universities to jointly build training bases to institutionalize future school-enterprise cooperation.


Contact: Michael Yu

Phone: +86 18038053060


Add: No. 17, Dabu Road, Xinhua Industrial Zone, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China