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Stage Lighting Equipment Control Skills and Precautions

Do you want to know more information about stage lighting equipment control skills and precautions when using? This article is very useful. You can take a look.

Stage lighting and sound equipment play a very important in people's lives and work. This equipment is indispensable for large and small events, conferences, wedding planning, etc. Life is full of beauty, and people have more eyes to discover and appreciate beauty. But we believe that everyone has relatively little knowledge about the control skills and precautions of moving head light fixtures. Next, our experts in lighting and audio equipment are here to introduce you to knowledge about equipment control skills and precautions of stage lighting systems, and I hope you can learn some useful information.

When controlling the moving head light show, there must not be any arbitrariness. Because the moving head light control has its own operating systems and skills. Otherwise, it will cause damage to the light bulbs, lighting fixtures, and lighting console, too. Or it will even cause fire and other serious losses.

The following are the misoperations that often occur in actual stage show lighting work, I point out here for reference.

1. When the light bulb is in cold status, the light is suddenly turned on (full), which may cause the light bulb to "snap" and burst; or cause the tungsten wire to melt. During the production process of the bulb, the glass shell of the bulb will inevitably have an uneven thickness, which causes uneven heating. When the light bulb is suddenly turned on, it will cause the glass shell of the light bulb to heat up instantly, just like filling an empty glass with hot water in life. After using the stage lighting equipment, the bulb will absorb water molecules in the air during the process of being cooled by heat, and these water molecules will stay on the glass shell of the bulb to gather. When you suddenly push up the light bulb, the water molecules on the glass shell have the same effect as filling water in a hot oil pan. It is logical for the bulb to explode. Pushing on the moving head light suddenly will cause an instantaneous surge current (increasing), which will easily melt the tungsten filament of the bulb. Therefore, when the bulb is cold (before the opening), push up the fader of the console only a little (commonly known as the calendered state) to make the bulb shimmer and let it be preheated to make it evenly heated At the same time, the water molecules condensed on the glass bulb of the bulb are evaporated. After a few minutes of preheating, push it brighter. After a few minutes of preheating, the light can be fully illuminated.

2. Never turn on the power of the silicon box when the fader of the dimmer is full. The result is the same as the above result, both will damage the bulb. All the faders of the dimmer should be turned off and the silicon box power should be turned on.

3. Never switch the power supply of the light console and silicon box in reverse when switching equipment. When turning on the power, turn on the power of the light console first, then turn on the power of the silicon box. When turning off the power, turn off the power of the silicon box first, and then turn off the power of the light control console. If you reverse the order of operations, it will cause all lights to flicker, which will affect the life of the moving head light.

4. Do not shake the moving head light fixtures with big movements when the bulb is turned on. Or the bulb tungsten wire will break or fall off. After the bulb is lit, the temperature gradually increases, and the tungsten wire will also soften accordingly. At the same time, the tungsten wire will sag accordingly due to the gravity (this phenomenon is particularly obvious if the screw-shaped tungsten wire is not used in the bulb) At this time, when shaking the lamp with a big movement, you must wait until the lamp is completely cooled before removing it.

5. Do not touch the bulb directly with your hands when replacing the bulb. This will affect the finish of the bulb, and another hidden hazard is the explosion of the bulb. The grease on the fingers or the friction between the fingers and the glass surface of the bulb will leave "scars", which will affect the finish and transparency of the bulb and thus affect the normal illumination of the bulb. If there is sweat on the finger, after the finger is “intimately” in contact with the bulb, the salt molecules in the sweat will absorb the water molecules in the air. Once there is water on the bulb when the bulb heats up sharply, it will easily burst. Therefore, when replacing the bulb, be sure to wear gloves before touching the bulb. If you don't have gloves, you can wrap the bulb with a sponge, plastic paper or soft paper towels, and then install it. Be sure to remove these wrappers after installation to avoid fire when you push the bulb up.

6. Do not over-focus the speed of light from the backlight. Too much focus will lighten the color paper on the lamp in a short time, lose color, and even burn the color paper into a hole. If the distance between the lamp and the flammable object is too close, it may be cleared. Thence, when adjusting the light beam of the lamp, it is better to adjust astigmatism slightly. If the illumination is not enough, you can supplement the stage lighting equipment.

7. Don't forget to install a protective net cover while installing the color changer. The protective net cover is to prevent the splash and injury caused by the explosion of the bulb. Like the backlight, there are two blocking pendant slots. The first block on the inside is used to install a protective net cover, while the outer one is used to install a color changer. Some LED par lights have a fixed protective net cover, which is better.

8.. Remember to make the distance between the heat source lamp and the flammable curtain too "intimate". Many years ago, during a performance show in a school in the Northeast, it was because the lights ignited the curtain that caused a fire and caused a tragedy of hundreds of people. Therefore, it is important to maintain a certain distance between the lighting fixtures and the curtain. The distance between the direct direction of the 300W lamp and the curtain should not be less than 3cm, and the distance between the side and tail of the lamp and the curtain (at rest) should not be less than 2m. Set up a metal isolation net in the middle of the curtain to prevent the curtain from catching on the lamps and causing a fire. For lamps above 500W, the distance of the direct curtain is 5m away, and the distance of the side, tail, and curtain is 3m away.

9. Never exceed the power specified by the manufacturer for the installed light. The power carried by each circuit on the light silicon box is described in detail in the manual. Generally, each circuit has a power of 1KW, 2KW, 3KW, and 6KW. Taking 6KW as an example, the SCR in the silicon box, also known as a solid-state relay, is 60A. Calculated, the loadable power is 13.2KW. Anyway, with such a large power space, you can install more than 6KW lights on this circuit. We believe that only considering the current generated by the bulb at the moment of fuse, this consideration is one-sided. Besides, manufacturers will not keep such a high-power SCR for no reason, this is a certain reason. Let me talk about an example. An engineer of a five-star hotel found that a 60W incandescent bulb in the bedside lamp was burnt out while repairing the lamp in the guest room, and also found that a 6A fuse that governed the lamp was also blown out, everyone knows the working current of a 60W incandescent light bulb is 0.27A, which means that the tungsten wire of the 60W bulb generates more than 6A at the moment of fuse, excluding the positive and negative errors of the fuse 1A, that is, the moment of the light bulb fuse the current is as much as 5 times its working current. The manufacturer of the silicon box designs the current of the thyristor of each circuit to be 2.2 times the actual carrying current, which is too stingy, so after using the light control console for a period of time, you will find that with the damage of the bulb, the more The silicon controlled rectifier in the silicon box is also broken down, and the phenomenon that the light cannot be turned off or cannot be dimmed is correspondingly increased.

10. Do not cause three-phase to unbalance when connecting the load. As we all know, most of the power input to the light silicon box is a three-phase four-wire system. When the lamp load is connected to the silicon box, if the light load is connected blindly without distribution, it may cause a three-phase imbalance. Then, when the light is pushed up, you will feel the difference between light and dark. For example, there is a dimmer station with 18 loops, each loop carrying power is 6KW, input power is 380V, and its 1-6 loops are in phase C. Before connecting the load, use a multimeter to measure the voltage of A, B, C, and the three relative neutral lines are 220V. Assume that the 1-6 circuits of the silicon box are connected to a 36KW light load, the 7-12 circuits are connected to an 18KW light load, and the 13-18 circuits are connected to a 6KW light load. In this case, turn on all the lights, and then measure with a multimeter. The measurement result of A relative change is 200V, and the measurement result of C relative change is 220V. This is the phenomenon of a three-phase imbalance. This phenomenon tells us that the more load, The more obvious the voltage drop is, the light intensity of the low-phase light is obviously lower than that of the high-voltage light. Thus, the total power of the installed lights divided by 3 equals the power allocated for each phase. Take the power number of the above as an example: 600KW divided by 3 equals 20KW, that is, 1-6, 7-12, 13-18 circuits each load 20KW per phase, so that the three-phase voltage is balanced.

Lastly, the above is an introduction to the control skills and precautions knowledge that we bring to you for the rental of stage lighting and audio equipment. This knowledge is very practical and useful. I hope you can pay more attention to the use of the daily stage lighting equipment. We hope that everyone can work together to maintain the normal use of stage show lighting and audio equipment and promote the development of the entire stage lighting and sound industry.


Contact: Michael Yu

Phone: +86 18038053060


Add: No. 17, Dabu Road, Xinhua Industrial Zone, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China