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Industry news

Light It In Red

Since early March, 2020, the majority of the events industry has been out of work. The event industry will not survive for the next 100 days.

Don't let events go dark in the UK!

During these difficult times, the whole event industry is so hard due to the impact of COVID-19. Unlike other industries, there is a set date when it may re-open. Let's call for UK event industry people
We are joining the mass appeal and call for help to save the events industry!

Venues across the UK from Theatres, Hotels, Concert Halls are joining together on the night of July 6th, 2020 by lighting up their buildings in red to draw attention to the devastating situation the Events Industry is in. We won’t be ignored. We were the first ones out and we will be the last ones back in.

We are calling on the UK Government to save over half a million jobs and a billion-pound industry from insolvency.
Shining LED supports this movement. If you are looking to support our industry by lighting up your building red with our led wall washer light, send us an email or WhatsApp message.


Contact: Michael Yu

Phone: +86 18038053060


Add: No. 17, Dabu Road, Xinhua Industrial Zone, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China