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Industry news

Night of Light 2020

Since March 10th, 2020, a complete branch of the economy has effectively been deprived of a working basis. The whole event industry is about to collapse. The event industry was the first industry to be affected by the COVID 19 crisis and it is very likely that it will be the longest and most profoundly affected by the effects. 

Virtually all companies from the fields of trade fair construction, event technology, event agency, catering, stage construction, event location, trade fair company, congress center, conference hotel, concert organizer, artists, and sole traders have lost their entire order backlog within a few working days due to the ban on events since March 10th, 2020. They were the first to go into the crisis (first in) and the last to come out of the crisis (last out).

Since mid-March, the event industry has practically not made any sales. Unlike in the manufacturing sector, lost sales can no longer be made up, and nothing can be produced “in stock”; most companies in the event industry are service providers. Even if high demand would set in after the crisis ended, the loss suffered can no longer be compensated for. The event industry as a whole is one of the largest sectors of the German economy and has around 1 million direct employees. Annual sales of around EUR 130.0 billion are generated. If you add the cultural and creative industries with their event-related sub-markets and supplier markets, more than three hundred thousand companies in more than 150 disciplines employ more than 3 million people and achieve an annual turnover of over 200 billion euros! 

Due to the provisional ban on large events until August 31, 2020, and subsequent preliminary planning for events, there is an 80 - 100% loss of sales over a period of at least eight months. This creates an acute risk of bankruptcy for the entire industry. It is important to draw the public's attention to the particularly hard-hit event management industry and to make it clear that current aid in the form of credit programs is not sufficient. Since these loans cannot be invested in a value-adding manner, but have to be used to cover operating costs, this leads to renewed insolvency in connection with over-indebtedness of the companies and institutions concerned after the loans have been used up.

The economic implementation of events is currently and until further notice no longer possible under the applicable restrictions and necessary hygiene regulations. There are therefore special economic challenges to save the so-called "first in - last out" companies as well as the sole proprietors working in the event industry, and thus the entire industry. Event companies all think without help with money or other support from the government, they are not going to survive for the next 100 days. 

Any kind of major event is prohibited due to the COVID-19 crisis. 
Don't let events go dark in Germany!
A blazing appeal and a call for help to politicians to save the event industry.

All companies from the event industry as well as event locations (special event locations, event centers, congress centers, conference hotels and other venues such as theaters, philharmonic halls, concert halls, playhouses) throughout Germany shine nationwide in the night from 22nd to 23rd June 2020 their buildings or a building in their region or city with red lighting to draw attention to the dramatic situation in the event industry.

The event industry is on the red list of acutely endangered industries!

A shining memorial and a flaming appeal from the event industry to save our industry, which needs real help instead of credit programs! We call for an industry dialogue with politicians to find a way out of the crisis together!

Shining LED supports this movement. If you are looking to support our industry by lighting up your building red with our led wall washer light, send us an email or WhatsApp message.


Contact: Michael Yu

Phone: +86 18038053060


Add: No. 17, Dabu Road, Xinhua Industrial Zone, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China