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Industry news

How Event Planning Arouses the Interest of Decision Makers?

Before selling event planning to decision-makers, it is necessary to understand the knowledge and theoretical level of decision-makers. The American event planning company stated that only by knowing the level of the decision-maker, can the event planner choose an acceptable introduction method to launch an event plan. For example, when promoting event planning to decision-makers with low theoretical levels, it is not appropriate to use abstract technical terms, diagrams, or formulas too much. If your introduction confuses the decision-maker, then the likelihood of your event plan being accepted by them will be very low.

American event planning company said that in order to persuade decision-makers to accept your event planning plan, it is not enough to just show them the theories and methods used in the planning. You must make your explanation resonate with them. However, if you want to get this resonance, you must choose a communication method that suits the decision-makers according to their level. Therefore, the American event planning company believes that "accurately grasping the level of decision-makers" can be regarded as an important prerequisite for the successful marketing of event planning programs.

In a sense, American event planning companies believe that event planning is also a commodity. Since it is a commodity, to be accepted and recognized by the "buyer", there must be a reason for its acceptance and recognition, that is, it must have an attractive place. This attractive place is the "feature". American event planning company said that if event planners can effectively use and seize these "selling points", then it is not difficult to achieve the successful promotion of event planning programs.

Generally speaking, there are many characteristics that can be used as an event planning program, but what really attracts the attention of decision-makers are those "selling points" that are close to their interests. From the perspective of event decision makers, what they care about is not the planning process or theory, but whether the event planning can bring economic benefits to the enterprise. Therefore, it is recommended that event production companies should be as clear as possible about their needs when promoting their own event planning programs so that the "features" of the event planning programs should be close to it.

In addition, the "selling point" of the event planning plan must be specific, and the quantitative "selling point" is more attractive and persuasive. For instance, using numbers to express indicators such as turnover and market share will more arouse the interest of decision-makers. It is common for a proposal to be rejected and shelved, and event planners must not be discouraged by a small setback. At this point, any complaints, attacks, or even verbal abuse are useless. If you have full confidence in your event planning plan, you might as well start from scratch. Even if you fail again, as long as you keep working hard, you will surely succeed in the end.

Of course, before making another proposal, you must carefully analyze the reasons for the failure of the last proposal, because the last failure contains the factors of this success. The so-called "failure is the mother of success". Only by finding the reason for the failure can we know how to improve. Only with serious improvement can the ultimate success be achieved. "Perseverance" is both a strategy and an attitude. For event planners, in order to achieve successful marketing of event planning programs, "persistent" strategies and attitudes are essential.

The experience of focusing on wedding event planning tells us that the planner is not an artist, but a realist. It's not about creating content in an unconstrained manner, but starting from the reality of the market and products, and an in-depth study of the characteristics of enterprises and products. Event planning is not a specialist but a generalist. You need to have an understanding of professional knowledge of various industries, social phenomena, trends, and hotspots, etc., in order to understand by analogy. Event planning is not about being flexible in mind and proposing an interesting idea, but about having a holistic consideration, able to formulate a comprehensive strategy, and come up with competitive tactics. Event planning is not a lot of tricks and boasting. Only by being honest with consumers and sincere to customers can we achieve great success and go long-term. Event planning is not about making a messy plan, but about implementing, controlling, and changing strategies based on market feedback.

The existence of event planning is to create value for the enterprise and build brand influence. American event planning companies are sincere, responsible, have unique insights, pursue perfection, and maintain pioneering thinking. Our self-confidence comes from years of dedicated marketing planning, from a deep understanding of the stage lighting industry, insights into the event planning market, and sincerely helping more companies solve problems.


Contact: Michael Yu

Phone: +86 18038053060


Add: No. 17, Dabu Road, Xinhua Industrial Zone, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China